Mario Agustin Locsin 

The East Window at St. Ignatius


Locsin's East Window at the Church of St. Ignatius in Palm Beach Florida is featured in an article by Viggo B. Rambusch published in Church Solutions Magazine

Rambusch describes Locsin's window

"The church with the highest light transmission--almost 100 percent in its windows--is the new St. Ignatius cathedral in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla. Using pure, colored glass and forgoing paint created an impossible glare, so the congregants could not face the windows. To combat this problem, stained glass was incorporated into the sides of the sanctuary and across the back wall. The one exception is the stained glass window that stretches to the floor in a niche created for the Reservation of the Blessed Sacrament. The East window, designed by Mario Locsin, sets the theme window for the rest: a rising sun with an Egyptian feel. Here, three-dimensional, clear "jewels" enliven flat, colored glass, actually catching and dispersing light."

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